Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Kompor bahan bakar air


Dear friends, ada yang bisa ngasih cara kerja kompor bahan bakar air dicampur dengan bahan bakar minyak dengan perbandingan 1 minyak tanah : 10 airr? aku lihat di beberapa TV menanyangkan hal itu di Banyumas, bahkan ada investor asal Jerman yang menawarkan hak patennya 1,4 milyard rupiah.

LIPI sendiri gimana?

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- Research simply seeks the answer of certain questions which have not been answered so far and the answers depend upon human efforts
-Research is the most important process for advancing knowledge for promoting progress and to enable man to relate more effectively to his environment to accomplish his purpose and to resolve his conflicts. Although it is not the only way, it is one of the more effective ways of solving scientific problems
-Research is devoted to find the conditions under which a certain phenomenon occurs and the conditions under which it does not occur in what might appear to be similar circumstances.
The term of research consists of 2 words
 Re = again - Search = find out something
-The research is a process of which a person observes the phenomena again and again and collects the data and on the basis of data he draws some conclusions.
-Many experts give a definition about research, for example Rusk, Goerge Mouly, Francis J. Cornell, Clifford Woody, CC Crawford etc.
According to Rusk
“Research is a point of view, an attitude of inquiry or a frame of mind. It asks questions which have hitherto not been asked, and it seeks to answer them by following a fairly definite procedure. It is not a mere theorizing, but rather an attempt to elicit facts and to face them once they have been assembled. Research is likewise not an attempt to bolster up pre-conceived opinions, and it implies a readiness to accept the conclusions to which an inquiry leads, no matter how unwelcome they may prove. When successful, research adds to the scientific knowledge of the subject.
According To George Mouly
“The systematic and scholarly application of the scientific method interpreted in its broader sense, to the solution of social studies problems; conversely, any systematic study designed to promote the development of social studies as a science can be considered research.”
The following characteristics may be gathered from the definitions of ‘Research’;
1. It gathers new knowledge or data from primary or first-hand sources.
2. It places emphasis upon the discovery of general principles.
3. It is an exact systematic and accurate investigation.
4. It uses certain valid data gathering devices.
5. It is logical and objective.
6. The researcher resists the temptation to seek only the data that support his hypotheses.
7. The researcher eliminates personal feelings and preferences.
8. It endeavors to organize data in quantitative terms.
9. Research is patient and unhurried activity.
10. The researcher is willing to follow his procedures to the conclusions that may be unpopular and bring social disapproval.
11. Research is carefully recorded and reported.
12. Conclusions and generalizations are arrived at carefully and cautiously.
Objective of research
The research has the following three objectives:
1. Theoretical Objective
Those researches whose objectives are theoretical formulate the new theories, principles or laws. Such type of research is explanatory because it explains the relationships of certain variables. These researches contribute some basic knowledge to the human knowledge. The researches in different disciplines i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics etc. have the theoretical objective.
2. Factual Objective
Those researches whose objective is factual find out new facts. This objective is by nature descriptive. These researches describe facts or events which happened previously. Such type of research is done in history.
3. Application Objective
The research having application objective does not contribute a new knowledge in the fund of human knowledge but suggests new applications. By application we mean improvement and modification in practice. For example if anyone gives a new application of electricity then such type of research has application objective.
1. Basic Level
Trevers has defined basic level as basic research. It is designed to add an organized body of scientific knowledge and does not necessarily produce results of immediate practical value.
2. Applied Level
Applied research is undertaken to solve an immediate practical problem and the goal of adding to scientific knowledge is secondary.
A. On the Basis of Objectives of Research
On the basis of objectives of research they are of two types:
1. Fundamental research and
2. Action research.
B.On the Basis of Approach of Research
On the basis of approach of Research they are of two types:
1. Longitudinal research: Historical research, case study, genetic comes under longitudinal approach of research.
2. Cross sectional research: Experimental research, survey are the examples of cross sectional research.
C. On the Basis of Precision in Research Findings
On the basis of precision (accuracy) the researches are:
1. Experimental research and
2. Non-experimental research.
Experimental research is precise while non-experimental is not.
D. On the Basis of Nature of Findings
On the basis of findings Researches are of two types:
1. Explanatory research: Such researches explain more concerned theories. laws and principles.
2. Descriptive research: These are more concerned with facts.
F. Another Classification
1. Adhoc research: Adhoc research is the class of inquiry used for a purpose alone and special.
2. Empirical research: Empirical research is that which depends upon the experience or observation of phenomena and events.
3. Explained research: Explained research is that which is based on a theory.
4. Boarder line research: Boarder line research is that which involves those main two branches or are as of science. For example study of public school finance.

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